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Royal Weddings. History and Glamour in the royal households of Europe.
Original title: Bodas Reales
Category: Non-Fiction

Royal Weddings. History and Glamour in the royal households of Europe.

Original title: Bodas Reales
Category: Non-Fiction

Royal weddings are indisputably a global phenomenon, generating interest and fascination across the world. Whether it is due to admiration, curiosity, envy or just an excuse to gossip, we are transfixed by every detail of the ceremonies, which set aesthetic trends and show the changes monarchies from the Old Continent have undergone in recent years. After the recent weddings in Monaco and the United Kingdom, the future heirs to every European crown are now married, a fascinating fact commemorated in this artistic book.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 336 pages | ISBN: 978-84-9785-811-3 | Imprint: Lunwerg Editores