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Original title: No se admiten devoluciones
Category: Illustration | Humour

No Refunds

Original title: No se admiten devoluciones
Category: Illustration | Humour

An endearing and humorous look at parenting that dismantles the myths on the subject

Being a parent involves challenges and situations for which, in many cases, we feel unprepared. With blunt sincerity and his characteristic acidic and tender humor, sharp-witted cartoonist René Merino shares with us the fears and worries, but also joys and uncontainable feelings one experiences as a first-time parent. 

Based on his own experience and that of his immediate circle, the author dismantles myths about pregnancy and parenting, and gives us a book that promises to accompany us, without judgment, but with many complicit laughs, in our first steps as parents.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 144 pages | ISBN: 978-84-19875-03-7 | Imprint: Lunwerg Editores