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On the Trail of Mystery
Original title: Tras la pista del misterio
Category: Non-Fiction | Esoterism

On the Trail of Mystery

Original title: Tras la pista del misterio
Category: Non-Fiction | Esoterism

Unofficial dossier of a national policeman

Strange phenomena investigated by a policeman

Paranormal phenomena in general, or the mystery of UFOs in particular, have lost credibility in a society increasingly trapped in the clutches of political correctness. These matters, however, continue to spark interest or concern in fans of anomalies. This is the case of the author of this work, a Spanish national policeman who travels the world on the trail of any mystery he comes across and who tries to defend, in a methodical way, the continued importance of these apparently inexplicable events.

Unidentified flying objects, official (or not) documents, alleged extraterrestrials infiltrated among us, historical enigmas, bedroom visitors and many other topics are treated in the book with a policeman’s rigor. If you are one of those able to see beyond logic and reason, you shouldn’t hesitate to accompany the author in his incredible and transcendental adventures. If, on the other hand, you have an analytical and critical mind, there is no doubt that what is told here... will also be of interest to you.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 264 pages | ISBN: 978-84-19996-21-3 | Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga