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eBook (Epub 2)
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Editorial: Planeta
Temática: Actualidad | Política
País de publicación: México

Sinopsis de What for:


One never knows when you are going to find your true vocation, but if there is one thing I have learned, it is to not accept things as they are presented to us and to always be open. This is like love; it is a vibration you only
feel in your heart. We should never resign ourselves to living without love or not finding our vocation. They are out there, waiting for us. It is about finding them. They are our what for.

This book is about the mysterious road toward happiness. It is about my personal journey and what I have learned along the way. It is the what for behind so many things accomplished and lived, and the many yet to be conquered. Why be the president of a soccer club, why change a city, and, above all, why change a country. This is dedicated to those who worked with me during each stage and those who are now setting off on their own journeys, wherever these might take them. For all of you, here is my experience.”


eBook (Epub 2)
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Sobre el autor de What for

(Tandil, 1959) fue Presidente de la Nación entre 2015 y 2019. Antes había sido presidente del Club Atlético Boca Juniors y jefe de Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Cofundó el PRO, en 2005, y Juntos por el Cambio, en 2015. Es ingeniero civil, está casado y tiene cuatro hijos. Debutó como autor con Primer tiempo, el libro argentino más vendido en 2021.

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Ficha técnica

Fecha de publicación: 18/12/2023 | Idioma: Inglés | ISBN: 978-607-39-1087-3 | Código: 10339859 | Presentación: Epub 2 | Sentido de lectura: Occidental

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